Commitment to services

【Job Seekers First】

We believe that the temporary staffing and recruitment business we operate is a very responsible job, as it involves witnessing and helping job seekers at major turning points in their lives, such as changing jobs and finding employment.

Therefore, we believe it is only natural to give top priority to job seekers who are making such a big decision in their lives.

・Our agents will thoroughly support job seekers and accompany them until their wishes are fulfilled

・We will say things that are sometimes difficult to say, with the job seeker’s best interests in mind

Clients First

Of course, we also respond to the needs of companies that want to hire employees. We will make full use of our network of business partners to quickly respond to high-level recruitment and consulting projects.

There are many things that we only can do, as we directly visit over 30,000 business partners nationwide.

・Our sales system that is always on top of the latest trends, including recruitment
・Service content that continues to pursue increased appeal from the user’s perspective
・Highly specialized agents and web marketers

Commitment to products

【Retailers First】

Retailers First

In addition to developing products with the consumers who will actually use them, we also profoundly think the retailers who sell our products first.

・Meet the needs of consumers who visit retailers
・Realize specifications that are easy to sell and recommend at an affordable price

Furthermore, we do not finish our transactions with retailers by sending the products to the retailers. We also have responsibility until the products are sold from the store.

・Communicate the difference between our products and those of other companies in an easy-to-understand manner
・Create and provide promotional materials that directly lead to increased sales at the store

These are many efforts of our suppliers, our product development team, sales team, and office team in collaboration. We believe that our commitment would not be realized if any of these are missing.